Inclusive development in Myanmar

Games Experiment Training

Inclusive development in Myanmar: Games Experiment Training

Mon, 2 July 2018Wed, 4 July 2018

In July, around 40 staff members from the main and regional offices of the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) of the Ministry of Planning and Finance of Myanmar participated in a training on games experiments.

The training was organized as part of the project ‘Towards inclusive development in Myanmar’. The project includes the development of the Myanmar Enterprise Monitoring System (MEMS), which consists of quantitative and qualitative surveys of manufacturing enterprises and their employees.

The goal of the training was to familiarize the participants with the key concepts of games experiments, different types of games, and the software used in games experiments. The games will be used during the project to gather qualitative information about prevailing social norms, preferences and unique characteristics of enterprise owners or managers, e.g. preferences for cooperation, sharing with others, trust, and risk-taking.

The information gathered using games experiments will be used to investigate the link between personal preferences and business performance. This will enable a better understanding of owners’ or managers’ characteristics and different economic outcomes, as well as developing design of optimal policies with specific objectives.

During the training the experiment protocol was improved, and the games were tested with end-users to assess the software functionality in real-life conditions.

The trained CSO staff will be able to use the skills to design and implement similar behavioral experiments that aim to identify individual preferences or characteristics.