
Theme: Equality
Researchers with UNU-WIDER's Patterns and drivers of global inequality project meet in New Delhi for a two-day project inception workshop, hosted by the Institute for Studies in Industrial Development. They present and discuss research proposals that are expected to form a collection of studies that explores the major thematic and political economy issues of sustainable convergence—green economic growth compatible with a net-zero carbon emissions future.
The collection will offer case studies of the experiences of major emerging economies in the Global South and is expected to result in a complete edited volume—edited by Nagesh Kumar, Imraan Valodia, and Kunal Sen—with major research contributions forming the basis for several policy briefs exploring green industrial policy options in Global South countries. The collection provides a focus on a major, underexplored driver of the future trend in between-country inequality—green economic transformations—and attempts to answer important questions about whether and how global climate goals might be achieved without compromising progress on the between-country component of global inequality.