Ricardo Santos is a UNU-WIDER Research Fellow stationed in Maputo, Mozambique, focused on the Inclusive growth in Mozambique – scaling-up research and capacity -programme and Technical Resident Advisor to the Centre of Economics and Management...
A workshop on quantitative methods for applied economic analysis will be held 27-30 September 2016 in Maputo, Mozambique. Organized through the Inclusive growth in Mozambique – scaling-up research and capacity project, the event is intended for faculty and students of economics and statistics at Eduardo Mondlane University as well as for technical staff from the Ministry of Finance.
The workshop promotes basic economic research skills in government and other contexts, as well as provides further training for local students, academics, and research staff. It also aims to foster the institutional and human resource capacities of UNU-WIDER’s Mozambican partners, the Centre of Economics and Management Studies (CEEG) and the Directorate of Economic and Financial Studies (DEEF).