Rachel Gisselquist presents in an expert group meeting on inequality
UNU-WIDER Senior Research Fellow Rachel Gisselquist will give a presentation at an expert group meeting ‘Reducing Inequalities: SDG 10 Progress and Prospects’, organized by the World Bank and UN DESA in Geneva 2-3 April.
The event will look at progress made on the UN Sustainable Development Goal 10: reducing inequality within and among countries. The outcomes from this event will be used as inputs in preparation for the UN High-Level Political Forum on empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality, to be held in July 2019.
Gisselquist is a panelist in the session on ‘Equality through Empowerment’. The idea of the session is to provide examples of how different actors and groups are being empowered to shape policy to promote greater equity, considering that tackling inequality is not the same as poverty reduction.