Roosa Lambin and Milla Nyyssölä on examining Tanzanian health policies through a gender lens
The Innovation, Knowledge and Development (IKD) group of The Open University organises a one-day webinar on International Women's Day. The topic of the webinar is Health and care at the crossroads: evidencing gender impacts, campaigning for equality. Roosa Lambin and Milla Nyyssölä are introducing their research on Tanzania in the webinar.
In the IDK webinar academics from the School of Social Sciences and Global Studies of The Open University present and discuss their recent research pertaining to evidencing gender inequalities in social policy and campaigning for gender equality.
The Working Paper Roosa Lambin and Milla Nyyssölä present at the webinar is Two decades of Tanzanian health policy. Examining policy developments and opportunities through a gender lens. The other topics of the webinar include gender impacts of transformative care policy packages across 82 economies, impact of COVID-19 on migrant health care workers, and The Basic Health Care Provision Fund as catalyst for achieving universal health coverage in Nigeria.
The presentation is part of the Sustainable development solutions for Tanzania – strengthening research to achieve SDGs project.