Banner RWAMOD training 2023

Second RWAMOD training

18-20 October 2023, Kigali, Rwanda

Second RWAMOD training

Wed, 18 October 2023Fri, 20 October 2023

As part of the SOUTHMOD project, the national team at the Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA), in collaboration with UNU-WIDER and the Southern African Social Policy Research Insights (SASPRI), are organizing the second in-person training workshop on RWAMOD, a tax-benefit microsimulation model for Rwanda.

The 2,5-day training workshop is targeted for technical staff of the Rwandan government institutions, local research institutions, and universities.

The training includes sessions on the purpose and goals of tax-benefit microsimulation modelling, standard functionalities of the RWAMOD model and EUROMOD software, and analysis of model results. In addition, the training enables the participants to build, implement and evaluate a range of tax-benefit policy reforms using the model.


UNU-WIDER and SASPRI have embarked on a collaboration called SOUTHMOD, to promote tax-benefit microsimulation modelling in developing countries using the EUROMOD tax-benefit microsimulation software.

Tax-benefit microsimulation models provide knowledge for better policy-making and inclusive development. With the models the effects of different policy scenarios on poverty, inequality, and government revenues can be analyzed and compared.

RWAMOD is a stand-alone model which has been built in collaboration with UNU-WIDER, RRA, and SASPRI.

SOUTHMOD project is part of UNU-WIDER's research and capacity building programme on domestic revenue mobilization (DRM), funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation (Norad).