SOUTHMOD modelling mini-retreat

14 and 18 October 2021, online

SOUTHMOD modelling mini-retreat

Thu, 14 October 2021Mon, 18 October 2021

On 14 and 18 October 2021, 15 researchers from different countries gathered together for a SOUTHMOD mini-retreat. The participants discussed different aspects of the SOUTHMOD tax-benefit microsimulation software and examined possible changes to the software.

The event addressed many questions about the software, its upgrading, the update to last software version and Statistics Presenter improvement.


The workshop was part of the UNU-WIDER project SOUTHMOD - simulating tax and benefit policies for development. Tax-benefit microsimulation models provide knowledge for better policy-making and inclusive development. With the models the effects of different policy scenarios on poverty, inequality, and government revenues can be analysed and compared.

SOUTHMOD project is part of UNU-WIDER's research and capacity building programme on domestic revenue mobilization (DRM), funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation (Norad).