Towards gender equity in development
An international group of senior researchers will come together at the ‘Towards gender equity in development’ workshop on 3-4 February 2017 to present work stemming from the ongoing project on gender and development.
Fifteen papers will be presented over the two days, touching on a wide range of gender-related topics from around the world, including migration and domestic violence in Turkey, marital practices in Senegal and Congo, community driven development programmes in Liberia, interaction of caste and gender in India, and interventions to reduce teenage pregnancy in Tanzania. The aim of the workshop is to provide a platform for further discussion as authors prepare final drafts for inclusion in a book to be edited by Siwan Anderson, Lori Beaman, and Jean-Philippe Platteau.
The workshop will take place at the University of Namur, UNU-WIDER’s partner on the project.
Siwan Anderson | Excess female mortality in Africa | Slides | Video |
Ghazala Mansuri | Nudges and norms: Peer networks as a platform for encouraging pro-social investment in preventive health care products | Slides | Video |
Roberta Ziparo | The (in)efficiency of intra-household bargaining in poor countries |
Selim Gulesci | Forced migration and attitudes towards domestic violence: Evidence from Turkey | Slides | Video |
Jocelyn Viterna | Reforming legal institutions for gender equitable development: The case of El Salvador | Slides | Video |
Vincent Somville | Reducing early prenancy in low income countries: A literature review and new evidence | Slides | Video |
Martina Viarengo | Career dynamics and gender gaps among employees in the microfinance sector | Slides |
John Bowen | Gender, Islam, law |
Jean-Philippe Platteau | Eradicating women-hurting customs: What role for social engineering? | Slides | Video |
James Fearon | Why are women more effective at public goods provision when they work in women groups? | Slides | Video |
Paola Villar | Marital trajectories and women's well-being in Senegal | Slides | Video |
Vijayendra Rao | Are caste categories misleading? The relationship between gender and jati in three Indian states | Slides | Video |
About the project
Substantial progress toward gender equality and women’s empowerment has occurred over the past four decades, but key gaps, both in opportunity and capability, persist between males and females in all countries. This project focuses on generating high-quality, high-impact economic research on a set of core issues in gender and development. Read more