Training on Macroeconomic Framework

Training on Macroeconomic Framework

Fri, 7 May 2021

On 7 May 2021, Michael Keller, Researcher at the University of Copenhagen and Technical Advisor at the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Mozambique (MEF), gives a half-day training on MEF’s Macroeconomic Framework. The Macroeconomic Framework is the financial model used by the ministry for macroeconomic projections and analysis.

Organized at the ministry premises in Maputo and destined for the Ministry of Economy and Finance technicians working with macroeconomic model, the main objective of the training is to provide an overview of the recent updates to the model and receive feedback from its key end-users.

The updates, carried out under the IGM programme, include adding natural resources-related data sets and fiscal information in the model and allowing the visualization of results for economic indicators for the non-resource economy and resource economy separately. The updates respond to the need to adjust macroeconomic planning tools to better track and project natural resources-related revenues.

The feedback received from the training allows to further align the model to the day-to-day needs of the ministry. Once the feedback received has been incorporated into the model, a more hands-in training on the contents and use of the Macroeconomic Framework will be given to the wider staff at the ministry.