UNU-WIDER 25th Anniversary Conference: The Triple Crisis – Finance, Food and Climate Change
In the 25 years of UNU-WIDER’s existence both foundational and responsive research have been carried out, aiming to be innovative and relevant in advancing development economics research and policy-making with a strong focus on poverty reduction and global economic challenges.
The institute’s anniversary year takes place in the midst of immense instability in the global economy. A crisis which includes a simultaneous combination of global financial turmoil undermining the real economy, unchecked climate change with carbon emissions growing at a pace faster than foreseen just a few years ago, and hunger exacerbated by the huge run-up in global food prices interacting with the failure of the world to develop timely alternatives to its dependence on oil. The impact on poverty, inequality, social stability and peace are profound and dangerous.
The three day anniversary conference will be an international gathering with an audience of more than 200 top academics, practitioners and policymakers from across the developing and developed world, including the United Nations and the international donor community.
View and download conference programme