UNU-WIDER at the Fragile Lives 2024 conference

Households in Conflict Network 20 years, 1-2 October 2024, Berlin, Germany

UNU-WIDER at the Fragile Lives 2024 conference

Tue, 1 October 2024 09:00Wed, 2 October 2024 17:00

Households in Conflict Network celebrates its 20th anniversary during the conference Fragile Lives 2024 on 1–2 October in Berlin. UNU-WIDER Deputy Director Patricia Justino, one of the founders and directors of the network, hosts a keynote panel at the conference. UNU-WIDER Research Associate Laura Saavedra-Lux presents her ongoing research.

The Households in Conflict Network brings together researchers interested in the micro level analysis of the relationship between violent conflict and household welfare.

Fragile Lives 2024 is an international expert conference on the use of rigorous, scientific evidence for the development of knowledge-based policy interventions in fragile, conflict-affected settings. Its focus is on how poly-crises shape individuals, institutions, and interventions at the micro-level and on the policies that can boost resilience and coping capacities in the context of these shocks.

The conference is organized jointly by the Zero Hunger Lab of Humboldt-University of Berlin with IRI THESys and Leibniz Institute of Vegetables and Ornamental Crops (IGZ). UNU-WIDER is one of the partner organizations.

Keynote speeches are given by Agnes Quisumbing (IFPRI) and Ibrahim Elbadawi (ERF). UNU-WIDER Deputy Director Patricia Justino hosts a keynote panel at the conference.

UNU-WIDER Research Associate Laura Saavedra-Lux presents her ongoing research on Rebounding after Conflict: Patterns of Civilian Victimisation and Trajectories of Development. The research studies how and why patterns of civilian victimization affect local trajectories of socioeconomic development, e.g., education levels, access to water, or electrification rates.

The presentations are part of UNU-WIDER's research area From conflict to cohesion – Pathways for peace and inclusive statebuilding.

More details about the conference, including registration, can be found on the event website.