UNU-WIDER Research Fellow Pia Rattenhuber presents at CoP meeting

SOUTHMOD presentation

UNU-WIDER Research Fellow Pia Rattenhuber presents at CoP meeting

Tue, 10 September 2024

UNU-WIDER Research Fellow Pia Rattenhuber presents at a meeting of the Community of Practice on Tax and Gender (CoP). 

Together with Laura Abramovsky from ODI/IFS, Pia Rattenhuber will provide an overview of methodologies and discuss implications for analyses related to tax and gender. Pia will further present evidence produced using SOUTHMOD tax-benefit microsimulation models, The SOUTHMOD project builds and maintains tax-benefit microsimulation models that amongst a range of applications allow to explore gender dimensions in taxation and social protection, providing insights into how such systems affect men and women differently. Pia and Laura will highlight past examples of research conducted using these models and discuss how this work can inform future policy decisions.

The CoP on Tax and Gender is a newly launched platform, coordinated by the International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD). Its mission is to facilitate discussions, research, and collaborations around the intersections of tax policy, reform, and gender. By connecting experts, researchers, and policymakers, the CoP seeks to deepen our understanding of how tax systems impact male and female taxpayers differently and to promote policies that address these inequities. More information can be found here.