Rachel M. Gisselquist is Professor in Governance and Development, and Director of the Governance and Social Development Resource Centre (GSDRC), at the University of Birmingham (UoB), UK.Prior to joining UoB in September 2024, she was a Senior...
What kind of world would you like to see in 2030? Join us at the UN Village for a vision of a more sustainable world! United Nations organizations hold a key role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This year, a number of UN organizations and affiliates working on promoting SDGs are getting together at the World Village Festival’s UN Village. We welcome you to come and discuss SDGs and the work currently being carried out by organizations working in Finland and globally to achieve these goals.
As part of the World Village’s ‘World's Best News’ wall, you can add your thoughts on the changes you want to see globally. What news would you like to hear about inequality in 2030? Or maybe about climate change? Together with the participating organizations, you are invited to think about how these ideas could become reality.
Representatives from UNU-WIDER, IOM, UNDP Nordic Office, UNFPA Nordic Office and many more will be giving short talks about how their work contributes to the achievement of the SDGs. Each talk will last for approximately 5-10 minutes.
Saturday 26 May (start time)
12:00 | Resettlement and the Sustainable Development Goals - Vishnu Indukuri (IOM, Operations Assistant) |
12:30 | Partnerships for change: SDG Accelerator - Camilla Bruckner (Director of UNDP's Nordic Office) |
13:00 | Women`s bodies and reproductive rights - Pernille Fenger (Chief of UNFPA Nordic Office) |
13:30 | Sustainable development without human trafficking - Jaana Sipilä (IOM, Project Coordinator, Counter trafficking) [in Finnish] |
14:00 | Why taxes? Importance of taxation for economic development and governance - Kyle McNabb (UNU-WIDER, Research Fellow) |
14:30 | Abortion and sustainable development - Elina Korhonen (Väestöliitto/Family Federation of Finland, Head of the Department of International Development) [in Finnish] |
15:30 | Invest in the future: protect the vulnerable from extreme hardship and poverty - Miguel Nino-Zarazua (UNU-WIDER, Research Fellow) |
16:00 | Assisting victims of trafficking (Sweden's AVRRTiPP-SWE-project) - Eveliina Karhu (IOM, caseworker) |
16:30 | Equality as pre-requisite for sustainable peace - Elina Multanen (Director, UN Women Finland) [in Finnish] |
17:00 | Why is international cooperation needed to reach Zero Hunger by 2030 – Heidi Olli (World Food Programme, Government Partnership Officer) |
17:30 | Youth advancing peace (UNSCR 2250 Youth, Peace and Security) - Jenni Ruotsalainen (Chair, UN Youth Finland) [in Finnish] |
Sunday 27 May (start time)
12:00 | Climate change is an equality issue - Hanne Lyytikkä (UN Women Finland) [in Finnish] |
12:30 | Understanding better how taxes and benefits affect poverty and inequality in developing countries - Pia Rattenhuber (UNU-WIDER, Research Fellow) |
13:00 | How sexual and reproductive health rights and the enviroment interlink - Laura Lipsanen (Väestöliitto/Family Federation of Finland, International Development Specialist) [in Finnish] |
14:30 | The world of mental health - Jonne Juntura (UN Youth Delegate 2018) [in Finnish] |
14:00 | The importance of understanding inequality between and within countries for more inclusive societies - Carlos Gradín Lago (UNU-WIDER, Research Fellow) |
14:30 | Migration and the SDGs - Simo Kohonen (Head, IOM Office in Finland) [in Finnish] |
15:00 | Finland's somalians rebuilding Somalia (MIDA FINNSOM) - Jutta Marjanen (IOM, Project Coordinator, MIDA) [in Finnish] |
16:00 | Improving inequality in ethnically-diverse societies - Rachel Gisselquist (UNU-WIDER, Research Fellow) |