WIDER research and impact – introducing the Estonian School of Diplomacy to the work of UNU-WIDER
Tue, 21 May 2019
The Estonian School of Diplomacy will visit UNU-WIDER during a visit to Finland. The group, which includes staff from various ministries — including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry for Education, and Ministry of Defence — will particpate in thematic meetings at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland before visiting UNU-WIDER. During the visit students will learn what the institute is focusing on in the new work progamme, and hear about recent research and impact stories.
- Welcome and Introduction - Dominik Etienne, Programme Officer
- Overview of 2019-23 Work Programme - Simone Schotte and Maria C. Lo Bue, Research Associates
- Overview of ongoing SOUTHMOD project - Pia Rattenhuber, Research Fellow