Work-in-progress meeting on tax research collaboration in Tanzania
As part of the Building up efficient and fair tax systems – lessons based on administrative tax data project, a work-in progress meeting was held online between UNU-WIDER, Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) and Department of Economics of the University of Dar es Salaam.
The collaboration on tax administrative data in Tanzania started recently. The topics discussed in this meeting were the general planning of the project and the situation of the collaborative research studies. The meeting was attended by TRA and University of Dar es Salaam personnel who wanted to know the extent of progress and summaries of the data extracted so far.
The event gave all parties the chance to listen to a short presentation from UNU-WIDER and ask questions about the upcoming research papers on Value Added Tax (VAT), taxing large firms, and taxing the informal sector. The next steps to follow with the pilot study were also discussed.
The Building up efficient and fair tax systems – lessons based on administrative tax data project is part of UNU-WIDER's programme on Domestic Revenue Mobilization (DRM). The DRM programme is financed by the Norwegian development co-operation agency Norad.