The impacts of inequality on growth, human development, and governance

Project workshop

Workshop for the @Equal project

Tue, 21 September 2021

The 'Impact of inequality on growth, human development, and governance' project (@EQUAL) holds a project workshop to discuss and share research and results of the projects phase one studies. The themes of phase one are:

  • Reimagining research on inequality (absolute vs relative measures)
  • The impacts of inequality on growth, human development, and governance

Additionally, the project team will discuss work completed to advance methods for studying inequality (such as those used in behavioral economics and lab-in-the-field studies) and next steps for phase two, which will focus research on the country cases of Mozambique and Vietnam.

 Download the programme 

21 September 2021 (UTC+3)
11:00 – 11:10 Introduction to the project, introductions
Chair: Finn Tarp
11:10 – 11:50

Session 1: Experimental and survey-based approaches to studying how people perceive and act on inequality
Chair: Rachel Gisselquist
Speakers: Klarizze Puzon
Consolidating behavioural economics and rational choice theory: Insights from inequality research (PDF icon Slides)

Matthew J. Easterbrook
The social psychology of economic inequality (PDF icon Slides )

Finn Tarp
Implications for future research/Links to our lab-in-the-field experiments (PDF icon Slides )

11:50 – 12:40 Discussion
12:40 – 13:20

Session 2: Impact of inequality
Chair: Finn Tarp
Speakers: Ines A. Ferreira
On the impact of inequality on growth, human development, and governance (PDF icon Slides

Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay
Size matters: measuring the effects of inequality and growth shocks 

Miguel Niño-Zarazúa
The impact of inequality and growth

Carlos Gradín
The impact of inequality and human development 

13:20 – 14:10 Discussion
14:10 – 15:00 Break
15:00 – 16:00

Session 3: Inequality, institutions, and cooperation
Chair: Rachel Gisselquist 
Speakers: Saurabh Singhal and Smriti Sharma 
Inequality, institutions, and cooperation (PDF icon Saurabh Singhal,PDF icon Smriti Sharma

Discussant: Simone Schotte

Co-hosted with the WIDER Seminar Series

16:00 –16:45

Session 4: Addressing inequality
Chair: Finn Tarp
Speakers: Vanesa Jorda and Jose M. Alonso 
What works to mitigate and reduce relative (and absolute) inequality? A systematic review (PDF icon Slides)

Hoai Thi Thu Dang and Fernando Lichucha 
Key policy debates in Vietnam and Mozambique (PDF icon SlidesFile )

16:45 – 17:15 Discussion
17:15 – 17:30 Closing of workshop