World Bank webinar on women’s work with Maria C. Lo Bue
On 29 January the World Bank’s Open Learning Campus will run a webinar, How does domestic and reproductive work responsibilities affect women’s access to and quality of productive work? The webinar will feature prominent experts and is moderated by UNU-WIDER research associate, Maria C. Lo Bue.
About the webinar
Women bear a disproportionate share of responsibilities of the world’s unpaid domestic and care work. At the household level, the extent of such work mediates important decisions about participation of women in the labour market. Drawing on several pieces of research in countries in Southeast Asia, the World Bank’s East Asia and Pacific Gender Innovation Lab (EAPGIL) will discuss how domestic and care work consistently affects women’s labour market decisions such as whether to work or not, or the nature of work to perform (paid work or entrepreneurship, occupation, sector, number of hours, etc.). In the webinar, we will discuss the contributing factors to these decisions as well as their implications, and will put forth potential policy responses to improve gender equality in accessing high-quality, productive work.
For more details, and to register for the webinar visit the Open Learning Campus.
For more information about UNU-WIDER’s research project on women’s work visit the project page