The billionaire tax – a (modest) proposal for the 21st century

As recent projections warn that we’re off-track to reduce inequality for the 2030 deadline of the Sustainable Development Goals, the pressing need for equitable tax systems takes center stage at the 28th WIDER Annual Lecture on 4 September 2024. Esteemed economist Gabriel Zucman examines how disparities of current tax structures guarantee this inequality is persistent due to advantages enjoyed by the ultra-wealthy.

luxurious meal versus poor meal
Uganda TIN registration form, calculator, currency, pen. Image: Kalungi Kabuye / UNU-WIDER

WIDER Seminar Series

The WIDER Seminar Series has returned! Beginning in March, join either online or in person for the 2024 season of this exciting event series to hear the latest research in development.

28 past and upcoming events

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Annual Lecture
luxurious meal versus poor meal The billionaire tax – a (modest) proposal for the 21st century
Wed, 4 September 2024 15:00Wed, 4 September 2024 18:15
Ravintola Töölö, Runeberginkatu 14–16, Helsinki, Finland
Annual Lecture
AL27-thumbnail Globalization in crisis – confronting a new economic reality
Tue, 10 October 2023
The Gamle Festsal (Old Assembly Hall) in the Domus Academica of the University of Oslo, Karl Johans gate 47, Oslo, Norway
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 26 - In the name of progress: Will technology solve inequality?
Fri, 7 October 2022
Universidad de los Andes, Cra. 1 #18a-12, Bogotá, Colombia
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 25 - Women’s struggle for land in South Asia: Can legal reforms trump social norms?
Thu, 9 December 2021
Online, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 24 - UN at 75: slow death or new direction?
Mon, 26 October 2020
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 23 - Informality: addressing the Achilles heel of social protection in Latin America
Wed, 30 October 2019
The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Maison de la Paix, Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2, Geneva, Switzerland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 22 - The political economy of structural transformation: has democracy failed African economies?
Fri, 14 September 2018
Europaea hall, Marina Congress Centre, Katajanokanlaituri 6A, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 21 - How are people poor? Measuring global progress towards zero poverty and the SDGs
Tue, 24 October 2017
Marina Congress Center, Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 20 - Direct interventions against poverty in poor places
Wed, 23 March 2016
Stockholm School of Economics, Aula, Sveavägen 65 (entrance from Bertil Ohlins gata), Stockholm, Sweden
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 19 - Three Decades of Change in Development
Sat, 19 September 2015
UNU-WIDER, Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 18 - Managing Structural Transformation Post-2015
Tue, 18 November 2014
Dag Hammarskjold Library Auditorium, New York, United States
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 17 - Egalitarian Principles
Thu, 19 September 2013
Europaea Hall, Marina Congress Centre, Katajanokanlaituri 6 A, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 16 - The folk and the formula
Thu, 27 September 2012
House of Nobility, Ritarikatu 1, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 15 - New Structural Economics
Wed, 4 May 2011
Centro Internacional de Conferências Joaquim Chissano, Avenida Marginal 4441, Maputo, Mozambique
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 14 - Reforming the International Monetary and Financial Architecture
Thu, 9 December 2010
UN Headquarters, 1st Avenue, New York, United States
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 13 - The Trade-Development Nexus in Theory and History
Wed, 21 October 2009
Marina Congress Center, Katajanokanlaituri 6, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 12 - Developing Countries in the World Economy: The Future in the Past?
Mon, 23 February 2009
Marina Congress Center, Katajanokanlaituri 6, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 11 - The Climate Change Challenge
Thu, 6 March 2008
Marina Congress Center, Katajanokanlaituri 6, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 10 - Global Patterns of Income and Health

People in poor countries live shorter lives than people in rich countries so that, if we take income and health together, there is more inequality in the world than if we consider income alone.

Fri, 29 September 2006
Marina Congress Center, Katajanokanlaituri 6, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 9 - The World is not Flat: Inequality and Injustice in our Global Economy
Wed, 26 October 2005
Marina Congress Center, Katajanokanlaituri 6, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 8 - Rethinking Growth Strategies

This lecture, ‘Rethinking Growth Strategies’, focuses on growth because we can all agree that achieving sustained poverty reduction around the world will be practically impossible unless economic growth is achieved in poor countries.

Fri, 5 November 2004
Stockholm School of Economics, Sveavägen 65, Stockholm, Sweden
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 7 - Global Labor Standards and Local Freedoms

The 2003 Annual Lecture was given by Professor Kaushik Basu of Cornell University on the topic of ‘Global Labour Standards and Freedom of Choice’, and took place at Ritarihuone in Helsinki on 10 November.

Mon, 10 November 2003
Ritarihuone, Ritarikatu 1, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 6 - Winners and Losers in Two Centuries of Globalization

Professor Jeffrey Williamson of Harvard University accepted the invitation to deliver the 2002 Annual Lecture entitled ‘Winners and Losers in Two Centuries of Globalization’. It took place at the University of Copenhagen on 5 September 2002.

Thu, 5 September 2002
University of Copenhagen, Nørregade 10, Copenhagen, Denmark
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 5 - Horizontal Inequality: A Neglected Dimension of Development

This lecture will focus on horizontal inequality, i.e. inequality among culturally defined groups (e.g. the Malays and Chinese in Malaysia, Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda, or Catholic and Protestants in N.Ireland), and the implications this has for...

Fri, 14 December 2001
Marina Congress Center, Katajanokanlaituri 6, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 4 - Globalization and Appropriate Governance

Globalization has come in for indiscriminate attack from critics who do not distinguish between different types of globalization (e.g. freer trade, freer capital flows, freer direct investment, and freer immigration) or between very different but...

Mon, 27 November 2000
Assembly House of the Estates (Säätytalo), Snellmaninkatu 9-11, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 3 - Is Rising Income Inequality Inevitable? A Critique of the Transatlantic Consensus

Many people believe that rising income inequality is inevitable. It is the result of forces, such as technological change, over which we have no control, or of developments such as globalisation, which are irreversible.

Mon, 1 November 1999
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 2 - More Instruments and Broader Goals: Moving toward the Post-Washington Consensus

Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz discussed the new thinking in development economics that goes beyond the Washington consensus about macroeconomic fundamentals and examine how the government can act as a complement to markets.

Wed, 7 January 1998
Assembly House of the Estates (Säätytalo), Snellmaninkatu 9-11, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 1 - The New Institutional Economics and its contribution to improving our understanding of the transition problem

Although a growing number of emerging democracies and other systems are turning to free market policies to spur their economic growth, many of them are finding that these policies are not always successful.

Fri, 7 March 1997
Assembly House of the Estates (Säätytalo), Snellmaninkatu 9-11, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Displaying 28 of 28 results