In the media
National media coverage on public forum on extractives
The Inclusive Growth in Mozambique programme organized a public forum on Extractive Industry and Development on 26 March 2019, in Maputo.
The public forum explored the growing role and importance of oil and gas and mining in developing countries, as well as the risks and uncertainties associated with this trend. Tony Addison, Chief Economist and Deputy Director of UNU-WIDER, gave a presentation based on a major new UNU-WIDER open access book Extractive Industries: The Management of Resources as a Driver of Sustainable Development.

The journal Carta de Moçambique, reported that the event reinforced the importance of finding better ways of managing natural resource revenues. The article stressed that revenues from the extractive industries should be converted into investments that benefit the poorest people, women and farmers in the areas, where the extraction takes place.
The event gathered together policy advisers, development practitioners, government representatives and the local media to discuss the topic of extractives in Mozambique.
Links to the online news pieces:
O País, 26 March 2019, Maldição dos recursos naturais” volta assombrar Moçambique
Carta de Moçambique, 27 March 2019, IDE na indústria extractiva deu um “grande salto”
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Jornal Comunidade, 29 March 2019, CEEG e UNU-WIDER apresentam livro sobre indústria extractiva