UNU-WIDER 2022 Annual Report is released

2022 was a key year in the UNU-WIDER 2019–2023 work programme, with great achievements made possible through our partnerships and collaborations.

2022 was a key year in the UNU-WIDER 2019–2023 work programme, with great achievements made possible through our partnerships and collaborations.

The theme of this year’s annual report is partnerships. With that, we wish to celebrate our partners, old and new, and highlight some of the unique collaborations we have managed to build over the years. UNU-WIDER’s research and policy work address many of the global challenges of our time: conflict and peacebuilding, poverty, inequality, and structural transformation. In the foreword to the report, UNU-WIDER Director Kunal Sen emphasized the importance of our partnerships:

Partnerships have always been crucial for UNU-WIDER's work. The last few years living amid a global pandemic have been a good reminder of the value of our trusted friends and partners all around the world, both personally and professionally.

We are tremendously grateful to our long-term partners, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. It is thanks to their ongoing support to our work, in collaboration with our network, that we were able to achieve the results highlighted in this report. 
– Kunal Sen, UNU-WIDER Director

Read more in the UNU-WIDER Annual Report 2022.
