Parallel session
Made in Africa

This session will present the key findings from Learning to Compete (L2C), a multi-year UNU-WIDER comparative research programme investigating the seemingly simple, but frustratingly puzzling question: Why is there so little industry in Africa?

Based on firm-level econometric analysis, case studies and qualitative research from Africa and emerging Asia conducted under this research programme, the panel will present and discuss key issues on the topics of learning by exporting, capabilities and agglomeration. The focus of the discussion will be on the policy implications of the findings of this body of work which called for a renewed emphasis on industrial development.

Session videos

Parallel 2.2 | Made in Africa

Carol Newman | Wided Mattoussi | John Rand | Haroon Bhorat | Witness Simbanegavi | Q&A


Carol Newman | Chair/Presenter | Presentation

Carol Newman is Professor in Economics at the Department of Economics at Trinity College Dublin. Her main research interest is the microeconomics of development, with a focus on both household and enterprise behaviour. Currently, she is involved in a number of major projects in South-East Asia and Africa, and in the past has worked on microeconomic issues relating to the evolution of the agricultural sector in Ireland and the EU.  Professor Newman is currently Champion for the International Development Research Theme in Trinity College Dublin.

Wided Mattoussi | Presenter | Presentation

Wided Mattoussi is an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods, University of Tunis. Her research focuses on the microeconomics of development with particular emphasis on the effective design of water institutions (centralized management, participatory management and "passive" trade). She has published in the field of agricultural economics, specifically how cooperative management characterized by collective responsibility can reduce theft of water and improve incentives for efficient water use by inducing peer monitoring. 

John Rand | Presenter | Presentation

John Rand is Professor of Development Economics at the University of Copenhagen. His research covers industrial policy and firm dynamics, quantitative impact evaluation of development projects, and macroeconomics of international capital flows. Professor Rand's research focuses on being policy relevant in a developing country context. His work is often carried out in collaboration with national ministries and research institutions but also with international organizations such as the UN, ILO and the World Bank. 

Haroon Bhorat | Discussant | Presentation

Haroon Bhorat is Professor of Economics and Director of the Development Policy Research Unit at the University of Cape Town. He’s co-authored two books and published over 150 academic journal articles, book chapters and working papers. He is a Non-resident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, a member of the World Bank’s Commission on Global Poverty, and a Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labour.