The political economy of the resource curse: a development perspective |
Antonio Savoia, Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester
Kunal Sen, Director, UNU-WIDER |
Investigating the fiscal resource curse: what’s China got to do with it? |
Daniel Chachu, PhD student, University of Ghana
Edward Nketiah-Amponsah, Associate Professor, University of Ghana |
Constraints on the executive and tax revenues in the long run |
Antonio Savoia, Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester
Kunal Sen, Director, UNU-WIDER
Abrams Mbu Enow Tagem, Research Associate, UNU-WIDER |
What are the drivers of tax capacity in sub-Saharan Africa? |
Oliver Morrissey, Professor, University of Nottingham
Abrams Mbu Enow Tagem, Research Associate, UNU-WIDER |
Pre-colonial centralization and tax compliance norms in contemporary Uganda |
Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Research Professor, Chr Michelsen Institute
Merima Ali, Senior Researcher, Chr Michelsen Institute |
No taxation without informational foundation: On the role of legibility in tax state development |
Matthias Vom Hau, Associate Professor, Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals
José Alejandro Peres Cajias, Research Fellow, University of Barcelona
Hillel Soifer, Associate Professor, Temple University |
No taxation without property rights: Formalization of property rights on land and tax revenues from individuals in sub-Saharan Africa |
Marina Nistotskaya, Associate Professor, University of Gothenburg
Michelle D’Arcy, Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin |
Fiscal capacity in non-democratic states: the origins and expansion of income tax |
Per F. Andersson, Researcher, Department of Political Science, Lund University |
Taxless fiscal states: Lessons from 19th century America and 21st century China |
Yuen Yuen Ang, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan |
The fiscal state and the social contract in Africa |
James A. Robinson, Director of The Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflicts, University of Chicago |
Fiscal states in sub-Saharan Africa: Conceptualization and empirical trends |
Anne Mette Kjaer, Professor, Aarhus University
Ane Karoline Bak Foged, Postdoc Researcher, Aarhus University
Matilde Jeppesen, PhD student, Aarhus University |
Is there a fiscal resource curse? |
Tania Masi, Postdoc Researcher, University of Milano-Bicocca
Antonio Savoia, Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester
Kunal Sen, Director, UNU-WIDER |
Good institutions and tax revenue outcomes in resource-rich countries |
Daniel Chachu, PhD student, University of Ghana |
Glimpses of fiscal states in sub-Saharan Africa |
Mick Moore, Professional Fellow, Institute of Development Studies and Senior Fellow, International Centre for Tax and Development |