Capacity development | Using the World Income Inequality Database (WIID)

The World Income Inequality Database (WIID) provides the most comprehensive set of income inequality statistics available and can be downloaded for free.

The WIID can be used to better understand income inequality trends and how they interplay with other social, economic, and political outcomes, both at the country  level and worldwide. This privides a tool that can help in monitoring the progress made in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially SDG 10 focused on reducing inequalities. ​And it now has two companion datasets, one with information about the income distribution at the country level for 200 countries and historical entities, the other with estimates of the global income distribution. 

In this capacity development session, using a few simple practical examples you will learn how to make the most of the information in the various WIID datafiles (including the necessary Stata codes).

And if you have any interesting research idea based on the WIID, you can submit your proposal application to our request for research proposals, which will be open until 31 October 2021. Some of the researchers selected in this call will be invited to present their research in our WIDER Development Conference on inequality (tentatively, October 2022).