RWAMOD training

Tax-benefit microsimulation model for Rwanda

RWAMOD training

Tue, 18 October 2022Thu, 20 October 2022

As part of the SOUTHMOD project, the national team at the Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA), in collaboration with UNU-WIDER and SASPRI, are organizing an in-person training workshop for technical staff of the Rwandan government institutions on RWAMOD, a tax-benefit microsimulation model for Rwanda.

RWAMOD is a stand-alone model which has been built in collaboration with UNU-WIDER, RRA, and SASPRI. RWAMOD will soon be freely available for non-commercial research and analytical work.

The purpose of this event is to introduce participants to the first version of RWAMOD, with a view to promoting its use within government for evidence-based policy making. In addition to providing an overview of the model, the event will include several hands-on exercises. Attendees will finish with an appreciation of how to navigate and interpret the RWAMOD user interface; how to run the model; how to build and implement a basic policy reform; and how to interpret model outputs using Statistics Presenter.


UNU-WIDER and SASPRI have embarked on a collaboration called SOUTHMOD, to promote tax-benefit microsimulation modelling in developing countries using the EUROMOD tax-benefit microsimulation software.

Tax-benefit microsimulation models provide knowledge for better policy-making and inclusive development. With the models the effects of different policy scenarios on poverty, inequality, and government revenues can be analyzed and compared.

SOUTHMOD project is part of UNU-WIDER's research and capacity building programme on domestic revenue mobilization (DRM), funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation (Norad).