Plenary session
Crises & responses: framing the issues
Crises are always complicated, though they seem to have become even more complex during the last years. New violent groups, new targets like young girls kidnapped from education, the negative consequences of the climate change, and a media coverage which takes us almost in reality time into the disasters and conflicts of the wide world is confusing us. People forced to leave their homes looking for shelter in other countries are met with anger and even racism.
The activities of the powerful nations interfering in the armed conflicts through more arms, are confusing us even more. Where is diplomacy? Who is right, who is wrong? Why are not international conventions and agreements respected anymore?
Our response must be given with and through all the people affected. All people includes the women whose capacity to contribute to peace and better living must come to use. Everyday life, even in a refugee camp, is depending on the women's efforts. Women have a role preventing conflict, as negotiators, for agreements and implementation of peace.
Welcome | Keynote address | Questions and answers
Finn Tarp
Elisabeth Rehn, former Minister of Defense of Finland
Tony Addison, UNU-WIDER
Rachel Gisselquist,UNU-WIDER