Entrepreneurship and Economic Development

Promoting private sector development and entrepreneurship in particular, has become a defining feature of development policy in recent years. At a time when global development is being jeopardized by man-made and natural disasters, including financial crises and climate change, the need to integrate socially beneficial innovation and the pursuit of profit with the role of state and non-state actors, is becoming more urgent than ever. This volume brings together internationally leading scholars to explore the nature of economic development and its relationship with the various concepts of entrepreneurship. It identifies the concerns and issues in measuring the impact of entrepreneurship, evaluates and presents empirical evidence on the role of entrepreneurship and economic development, and dissects the evolving relationship between the state and entrepreneurs. The chapters emphasise the importance of institutions for understanding how entrepreneurs can play their innovative, Schumpeterian role to the greatest benefit to society, and that such institutional-entrepreneurial interactions – even beyond the traditional theatre of the nation state and the national economy – remains a major challenge.

Table of contents
  1. Part I: Introduction
    1. Entrepreneurship and Economic Development: An Introduction
    Wim Naudé
    More Working Paper | Entrepreneurship in Economic Development
  2. Part I: Introduction
    2. Innovative Enterprise and Economic Development
    William Lazonick
    More Working Paper | Entrepreneurial Ventures and the Developmental State
  3. Part II: Measuring Entrepreneurship and the Business Environment
    3. Designing Composite Entrepreneurship Indicators
    Diego Bernardo Avanzini
    More Working Paper | Designing Composite Entrepreneurship Indicators
  4. Part II: Measuring Entrepreneurship and the Business Environment
    4. Measuring Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries
    Sameeksha Desai
    More Working Paper | Measuring Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries
  5. Part II: Measuring Entrepreneurship and the Business Environment
    5. The Impact of the Business Environment on the Business Creation Process
    Leora Klapper, Anat Lewin, Juan Manuel Quesada Delgado
  6. Part II: Measuring Entrepreneurship and the Business Environment
    6. Measuring the Business Environment for Entrepreneurship in Fragile States
    Chiara Guglielmetti
    More Working Paper | Measuring the Business Environment for Entrepreneurship in Fragile States
  7. Part III: Policies, Institutions and Entrepreneurship
    7. From the Managed to the Entrepreneurial Economy: Considerations for Developing and Emerging Economies
    Roy Thurik
    More Working Paper | Entrepreneurship, Economic Growth and Policy in Emerging Economies
  8. Part III: Policies, Institutions and Entrepreneurship
    8. The Impact of Institutions on Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries
    Jose Ernesto Amoros
    More Working Paper | Entrepreneurship and Quality of Institutions
  9. Part III: Policies, Institutions and Entrepreneurship
    9. Policy and Institutional Reform and Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries
    Mina Baliamoune-Lutz
    More Working Paper | Entrepreneurship and Reforms in Developing Countries
  10. Part III: Policies, Institutions and Entrepreneurship
    10. Human and Social Capital in Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries
    Gerrit Rooks, Adam Szirmai, Arthur Sserwanga
    More Working Paper | Interplay of Human and Social Capital in Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries
  11. Part IV: Entrepreneurship and the State
    11. Is Pro-Active Government Support Needed for Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries?
    Wim Naudé
  12. Part IV: Entrepreneurship and the State
    12. Entrepreneurship and the Developmental State
    William Lazonick
    More Working Paper | Entrepreneurial Ventures and the Developmental State
  13. Part IV: Entrepreneurship and the State
    13. Entrepreneurship, Development and the Spatial Context: Retrospect and Prospects
    Peter Nijkamp
    More Working Paper | Entrepreneurship, Development, and the Spatial Context
  14. Part IV: Entrepreneurship and the State
    14. Non-state Sovereign Entrepreneurs and Non-territorial Sovereign Organizations
    Jurgen Brauer, Robert Haywood
    More Working Paper | Non-state Sovereign Entrepreneurs and Non-territorial Sovereign Organizations
  15. Part V: Conclusion
    15. Entrepreneurship and Economic Development: Policy Design
    Wim Naudé
    More Working Paper | Entrepreneurship in Economic Development
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