Request for research proposals
Research using administrative tax data from Uganda
See full Request for Research Proposals (pdf)
Submission deadline: 28 February 2025, 23:59 UTC+2.
This Request for Research Proposals is part of the UNU-WIDER Tax research for development project under the Domestic Revenue Mobilization programme funded by Norad. The project aims to provide knowledge for better policymaking and inclusive development using administrative data. As part of this project, URA and UNU-WIDER have constructed several administrative tax data sets:
- Annual presumptive tax data;
- Transaction-level trade data;
- Monthly pay-as-you-earn data; and,
- An annual CIT firm panel
The data, anonymized and available at the taxpayer or transaction level (depending on the dataset), are described in detail in Jouste et al. (2024), Tieu et al. (2023), Agaba et al. (2023), and McNabb et al. (2022), respectively.
The project seeks proposals addressing policy-relevant research questions with a specific focus on the following objectives (the list is not exhaustive):
- Research findings with a policy focus on tax administration
- Insights into the impact of trade policies on the economy
- Analyses relevant to international taxation, including tax incentives of multinational enterprises and transfer pricing
- Economic research on corporate tax policies on investments, employment, capital/labour intensity and growth.
Read the full announcement for more information.
Frequently asked questions on the request for research proposals
Q1: Where can I find more information about the call?
A1: Please refer to the full call on our website.
Q2: Are there additional variables available for CIT, PAYE, presumptive tax, and trade data?
A2: All available variables are described in the Technical Notes on CIT, PAYE, presumptive tax, and trade data. URA does not provide additional variables for the datasets.
Q3: Can we have access to other URA datasets besides those described in the request for research proposal?
A3: All available administrative tax data from the URA are described in the request for research proposal. No additional datasets are available.
Q4: Can we merge additional datasets from other countries or sources with URA’s data in the research lab?
A4: It depends on the data source. If the additional data comes from an open-access source and does not include sensitive information that could be linked to taxpayers, it is possible to request to add this data to the project. Examples of this type of data include macroeconomic indicators (CPI, exchange rates, etc.) and other aggregated data. If you want to add sensitive or other administrative data to the project, it is generally not allowed to bring that data into the research lab.
Q5: Can we get support from UNU-WIDER or URA as a local researcher or assistance in finding a local partner?
A5: No, support from UNU-WIDER or URA as a local researcher is not provided. Also, UNU-WIDER and URA do not provide assistance in finding the local partner for the applicants. The researcher or research team must have their own local researcher or contact, who should be included in the research proposal. The successful proposal needs to include the name and affiliation of the local partner/researcher and his/her willingness to support the research.