Parallel session
Discrimination and affirmative action

Horizontal inequalities or inequalities that coincide with identity-based cleavages and ethnic polarization put developing countries at risk of economic and political instability. How can this be prevented, and these disadvantages alleviated?

Do anti-discrimination and affirmative action policies deliver on their stated goals? Do they correctly identify and target the individuals that need it the most?

This session takes a fresh look at the state of discrimination and affirmative action policies considering the experience of countries such as India, South Africa, and Australia drawing on the main findings of the project of the same name.

Session videos

Parallel 1.4 | Discrimination and affirmative action

Dieter von Fintel | Victoire Girard | Joseph Vecci | Ashwini Deshpande | Panel discussion


Ashwini Deshpande | Chair/Presenter | Presentation

Ashwini Deshpande is Professor of Economics at the Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, India. Her research focuses on the economics of discrimination and affirmative action issues, with a focus on caste and gender in India. Professor Deshpande received the EXIM Bank award for outstanding dissertation (now called the IERA Award) in 1994, and the 2007 VKRV Rao Award for Indian economists under 45. She has published extensively in leading academic journals. She is the author of "Grammar of Caste: Economic Discrimination in Contemporary India" and "Affirmative Action in India", both published by OUP, India.

Dieter von Fintel | Presenter | Presentation

Dieter von Fintel is associate professor in the Department of Economics at Stellenbosch University, where he also works within the Research on Socioeconomic Policy (ReSEP) group. His research focuses on microeconometric applications in labour, poverty, inequality and cliometrics, with a specific emphasis on South Africa. Dr von Fintel's publications include work on generational change in the labour market and survey design, as well as historical work on inequality. 

Victoire Girard | Presenter | Presentation

Victoire Girard is a Research Fellow in economics at the University of Orléans Labex Voltaire and an occasional lecturer at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. She is an applied microeconomist interested in questions in development economics, political economy and natural resources economics. Dr Girard's ongoing work documents how affirmative action or natural resource affect inequality, identity and violence.

Joseph Vecci | Presenter | Presentation

Joe Vecci is currently a Post-Doc in the Department of Economics at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. He completed his PhD in 2016 at Monash University, Australia. His primary research interests are in the fields of development economics and behavioural economics. Within these fields he has two key research themes: i) gender equality, and ii) social norms and identity. A common thread in his research agenda is the utilisation of lab and lab-in-the-field experiments as a tool to study the effectiveness of policies within these fields.