Rachel Gisselquist | Chair
Rachel M. Gisselquist, a political scientist, is a Senior Research Fellow with the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) and a member of the institute’s senior management team. She works on the politics of developing countries, with particular attention to inequality, ethnic politics, statebuilding and governance and the role of aid therein, democracy and democratization, and sub-Saharan African politics.
Ines Ferreira | Presenter
The impact of inequality on growth, human development, and governance: A review
(co-authors: Rachel M. Gisselquist and Finn Tarp)
Ines Ferreira's research looks at different aspects related to institutions and inequality, both from a cross-country perspective and with a particular focus on Mozambique. Currently, she works on two projects tracking the trends in inequality in Mozambique and examining the impacts of inequality on different socio-economic outcomes. She holds a PhD in International Development from the University of East Anglia. Her PhD research focused on the impact of foreign aid on economic development in fragile states.
Finn Tarp | Presenter
Poverty, inequality, and growth: Trends, policies, and controversies
(co-authors: Ines A. Ferreira and Vincenzo Salvucci)
Professor Tarp is a leading international expert on issues of development strategy and foreign aid, with an interest in poverty, income distribution and growth, micro- and macroeconomic policy and modeling, agricultural sector policy and planning, household and enterprise development, and economic adjustment and reform as well as climate change, sustainability and natural resources. He is the former Director of UNU-WIDER from 2009 to 2018 and is also Professor of Development Economics at the University of Copenhagen.
David Castells-Quintana | Presenter
Inequality and human development: The role of different parts of the income distribution
(co-authors: Carlos Gradín and Vicente Royuela)
David Castells-Quintana is PhD in Economics by the University of Barcelona (UB) and currently works as Lecturer Professor at the UAB, and as adjunct lecturer at the UAB Foundation (FUAB). His research interests are focused on Urban Economics, Ecological Economics and Development Economics. He collaborates with several national and international universities and research groups, including AQR-IREA, IBEI Foundation, Paris-Sorbonne and Science Po. He is actively involved in national and international research projects. He is author of multiple research works, including scientific papers in several prestigious journals, including Ecological Economics, World Development, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Regional Science, and Journal of Urban Economics, among others. He has also recently published two books.