Parallel session
Poverty, inequality, and jobs

This session explores the interlinkages between poverty, inequality, and jobs. It will shed light on the compatibility between the planned eradication of poverty to the year 2030 and the expected trends in key economic variables such as GDP growth and income inequality.

In addition, inequality will be assessed through the lens of industrialization to illuminate the distributional dynamics during economic development.

Finally, a conceptual link between multidimensional poverty and inequality is explored and a new closed form formula for Shapley breakdown of poverty and inequality by dimension is presented and illustrated using data from Cameroon. 

Session videos

Parallel 1.3 | Poverty, inequality, and jobs

Giovanni Andrea Cornia | Andy Sumner and Arief Yusuf | James Foster | Paola Ballón | Q&A



Lucy Scott | Chair

Lucy Scott is a Senior Consultant in the Poverty and Social Protection Team at Oxford Policy Management. Her work focuses on how social protection and livelihoods programmes can best support the poorest households. Her areas of interest include poverty dynamics, qualitative, and mixed-methods research and the cash+ and graduation agenda.

Photo: Alexander Zach / UNU-WIDERGiovanni Andrea Cornia | Presenter | Presentation

Giovanni Andrea Cornia is Professor of Economics at the University of Florence. Prior to that he was the Director of UNU-WIDER and held research positions in various UN agencies. Since 2010 he has been a member of Committee for Development Policies of the United Nations. His main research interests are in the field of development economics, and more specifically in the fields of macroeconomics, inequality, poverty, and, political economy as well as food security, famines, and child wellbeing.

Andy Sumner | Presenter | Presentation

Andy Sumner is a Reader in International Development in the Department of International Development at King’s College London. His research focus is on the distributional and welfare dynamics of late economic development in developing countries and Southeast Asia. Dr Sumner is currently a Non-Resident Research Fellow at UNU-WIDER and has published extensively. He is also an editorial board member of the Journal of International Development, of the European Journal of Development Research and of Global Policy.

Arief Yusuf | Presenter | Presentation

Professor Arief Yusuf is a professor of economics at the Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University. His research focuses on the economics of the environment and natural resource management as well as various aspects of economic development, such as poverty and inequality. He is a Visiting Fellow at The Australian National University and King’s College London and a visiting professor at Rikyo University, Tokyo. Prof. Yusuf is a member of the Indonesian Young Academy of Science and the current President of Indonesian Regional Science Association.

James Foster | Presenter | Presentation

James Foster is Professor of Economics and International Affairs at the George Washington University, researching welfare economics and poverty measurement. He is also a Research Fellow at the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative and an advisory board member of the World Bank Commission on Global Poverty. He received the Unilever Fellowship and the Robert Wood Johnson Investigator Award in Health Policy.

Paola Ballón | Discussant | Presentation

Paola Ballón is a Research Fellow at UNU-WIDER in Mozambique and former Researcher in Development Economics at the University of Oxford, U.K. She is an econometrician with expertise in the measurement and statistical analysis of multidimensional poverty, female empowerment and water-security. Dr Ballon's work applies economic theory and techniques in the measurement, design and evaluation of policies and interventions which aim to reduce poverty and improve water-security in developing countries.
