Parallel session
Social protection and aid
Over the past two decades, Social Assistance has emerged as a new paradigm in the fight against poverty and vulnerability in the Global South.
The rise of Social Assistance coincided with unprecedented changes in the economic and social structures of many developing nations, together with important democratic transitions that saw countries moving from military dictatorships and authoritarian regimes towards more competitive political systems.
Considering a world of rapid technological change, demographic transitions, and growing threats of conflict, and systemic macroeconomic risks this session will ask, what are challenges and opportunities for Social Assistance in the 21st Century? What factors are likely to underpin their evolution, effectiveness and sustainability? What are the research gaps that need to be filled to better guide future policy?
This panel brings together world leading experts in the area of Social Assistance to discuss these questions, taking as a point of reference UNU-WIDER work in this field over the past years.