Professor Tarp has four decades of experience in academic and applied development economics research and teaching. His field experience covers more than two decades of in-country work in 35 countries across Africa and the developing world more...
Sub-Saharan Africa currently is facing a range of demographic and socioeconomic shifts that hold important implications for both the region’s economic and political development. One of these shifts has been the emergence of a sizeable and dynamic middle-class over the last decade. While this trend is attracting the attention of policy makers and the private sector, there is little research on the size, drivers, and preferences of Africa’s middle-class.
This project will therefore focus on whether, and in what ways, Africa’s middle-class represents a positive force not only for growth, poverty reduction, and socioeconomic equality but also for greater democratization within the region. In addressing these issues, attention will be given to cross-country variations as a result of disparate political regimes and economic resource bases.
Theme: Past, 2012-13