Journal Article
Political Connections and Land-Related Investment in Rural VietnamPart of Journal Special Issue Land and Property Rights
This project investigates issues concerning (a) evolution of land inequality and the role of policies concerning land rights, and (b) accountability of local governments in developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. One component is a set of research papers on these issues in the context of West Bengal, India. The other component is an international conference on the topic of land inequality and land rights which examines related issues in a number of developing countries.
Part of Journal Special Issue Land and Property Rights
Part of Journal Special Issue Land and Property Rights
Part of Journal Special Issue Land and Property Rights
Part of Journal Special Issue Land and Property Rights
Part of Journal Special Issue Land and Property Rights
Part of Journal Special Issue Land and Property Rights
Part of Journal Special Issue Land and Property Rights
This special issue of the Journal of Development Economics originates from a UNU-WIDER research project on land inequality and decentralized governance in LDCs. The research began in late 2010 with Dilip Mookherjee and Pranab Bardhan jointly...
We provide a theory of political clientelism, which explains sources and determinants of political clientelism, the relationship between clientelism and elite capture, and their respective consequences for allocation of public services, welfare, and...
We study the effects of titles on parcel valuation and urban land market development (real estate transfers, rentals, and mortgages), and the dynamics of deregularization by exploiting a natural experiment in the allocation of land titles to very...
We use data on inter-generational gains in educational attainment by some 500,000 individuals in 200 West Bengal villages to explore gender-differentiated impacts of land reform on human capital accumulation at the individual level. While there are...
Although recent developments greatly increased interest in African land tenure, few models to address these issues at the required scale have been identified or evaluated. Rwanda’s nation-wide land tenure regularization programme is of great interest...
Using original survey data on Senegal that include an individualized measure of consumption, we study the role played by land inheritance, other bequests and parental background as influences on an adult’s economic welfare and economic activities...
While land reforms have long been motivated as a potential policy lever of rural growth and development, there is remarkably little evidence of the direct impacts of such reforms. In an effort to fill this lacunae, this paper examines South Africa's...
Since 1999, China has spent RMB 50 billion (about US$7 billion) to implement the ‘Grain for Green’ programme, the largest land retirement programme in the developing world. From 1999 to 2003, over 7.2 million hectares of agricultural land were...
Theme: Past, 2010-11