Carol Newman is a professor of economics at the Department of Economics, Trinity College Dublin. Her research is in the microeconomics of development with a focus on household and enterprise behaviour. She has published widely in the fields of...
Economies in the Southern Africa region face thorny challenges when it comes to the transformation of their economies and the need for job creation and the sharing of the benefits of growth. This project aims to develop, in conjunction with important research/policy institutions in the region, regional growth and development initiatives that generate economic transformation and widely shared development benefits.
The project focuses on two principal elements: (i) firm-level analysis with initial focus on South Africa and (ii) regional growth and development with particular focus, at least initially, on two identified opportunities: agricultural trade including bioenergy and leveraging natural resource investments for inclusive growth.
Channing Arndt, Senior Research Fellow of UNU-WIDER, outlines the main research areas for this project on economic growth in the Southern African region. The project has two main elements – one specifically on the South African economy; the second on the wider SADC region.
Theme: Past, 2014-15