
The aim of the course is to provide African researchers with an understanding of the theories, methods, and data availability for conducting high quality analysis on tax and development economics. Another aim is to get these scholars involved in UNU-WIDER's Domestic Revenue Mobilization (DRM) and SA-TIED programmes.
The course will take place in two parts. Part one is a 3-day online Stata and Statistics bootcamp to be held 31 May – 2 June 2022. Part two is an in-person course for one week, co-hosted with the Department of Economics at Stellenbosch University in Cape Town, South Africa during 11-15 July 2022.
The Winter School will provide participants with a toolkit in applied public economics with special focus on the quantitative analysis of tax and public economics in developing countries. Part one will provide participants with a basic understanding of how to use Stata for data analysis and understanding statistical concepts in economics. During part two of the Winter school, participants will take part in lectures given by leading experts from UNU-WIDER’s global network and work intensively in the computer lab to strengthen their quantitative research skills.
Beyond providing a methodological toolkit using practical examples, one of the main aims of this course is to sensitize participants to the key factors that make up policy relevant research. This may include innovativeness and the ability to make causal claims.
The course will also help creating small networks sharing similar interests in different countries and will allow UNU-WIDER to have a roster of local policy researchers to be engaged in its projects within the DRM and SA-TIED programmes.
This course is part of the UNU-WIDER project Building up efficient and fair taxation. The project is part of UNU-WIDER's DRM programme. The DRM programme is financed by the Norwegian development co-operation agency Norad.
In 2019 UNU-WIDER organized a two-week Summer School, in collaboration with the University of Cape Town. Find blogs from participants, as well as photos and video interviews featuring lecturers, staff, and participants on this page.
Improving capacities for tax and other domestic revenue collection is a key target of SDG 17. In addition, SDG 16 is dedicated to the promotion of inclusive societies with effective and accountable institutions. Furthermore, tax capacity is closely linked to the ability of governments to offer better public services to end poverty (SDG 1), reduce inequalities (SDG 10), and ensure sustainable economic growth (SDG 8). Good governance in the area of tax and social protection is a key factor in efforts to improve women and girls’ living standards as they are more dependent on efficient public service delivery (SDG 5).
This project is part of Building up efficient and fair tax systems – lessons based on administrative tax data
Theme: 2019-23, Transforming societies