Achieving the Millennium Development Goals

This book provides cutting edge analytical insights into if and how the MDGs are likely to be achieved. The volume presents empirical analyses of key determinants of the MDG target variables, which recognise that most of the MDG targets are endogenously related. These inter-dependencies are crucial not only in analysing the MDGs but also devising strategies aimed at their achievement.

Table of contents
  1. 1. The Millennium Developments Goals: Overview, Progress and Prospects
    Mark McGillivray
  2. 2. Projecting Progress Towards the Millennium Development Goals
    Howard White, Nina Blöndal
    More Working Paper | Projecting Progress toward the Millennium Development Goals
  3. 3. Achieving Health, Wealth and Wisdom: Links between Aid and the Millennium Development Goals
    David Fielding, Mark McGillivray, Sebastian Torres
  4. 4. Achieving the Water and Sanitation Millennium Development Goal
    Prathivadi Bhayankaram Anand
    More Working Paper | Millennium Development Goal 7
  5. 5. Measuring Pro-poor Growth in Progress Toward Non-income Millennium Development Goal Targets
    Melanie Grosse, Kenneth Harttgen, Stephan Klasen
    More Working Paper | Measuring Pro-Poor Progress towards the Non-Income Millennium Development Goals
  6. 6. Links between Childhood Mortality and Economic Growth and their Implications for the Millennium Development Goals in India
    Sonia Bhalotra
    More Working Paper | Childhood Mortality and Economic Growth
  7. 7. Achieving the Millennium Development Goal for Primary Schooling in India
    Sonia Bhalotra, Bernarda Zamora
    More Working Paper | Primary Education in India
  8. 8. The Burden of Debt and the Millennium Development Goal for Poverty in India
    Indranil Dutta
    More Working Paper | The Burden of Government Debt in the Indian States
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'The year 2008 should mark a turning point in progress towards the MDGs. ... Together, we must make this year one of unprecedented progress for the poorest of the poor, so that we can realize a better, more prosperous future for all.' - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, 1 April 2008
(remarks to the General Assembly)

'... a refreshing and honest assessment of the challenges that lie ahead in meeting all of the MDG goals particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. The contributors highlight the need to redouble international efforts so that the global war on poverty is not lost. ' - Fantu Cheru, Research Director, The Nordic Africa Institute

'This book is a timely reminder that good governance and additional development finance are the necessary starting point for a reinvigorated and updated focus on achievement of the MDGs. The findings suggest that the world’s poorest—that rapidly growing segment continually moving in and out of already overflowing slum communities and low income settlements—should now become the principal beneficiaries of international aid. In ensuring a fairer and more equitable distribution of progress, there seems to be support for the international community to now deliver on the MDG sanitation target, as this will reduce child and maternal mortality rates, and have other positive spillover effects on health and well being and other MDGs in support of our common future.' - David Tipping, Senior Research Associate, UCLA Globalization Research Centre for Africa