Journal Special Issue
The CFA Franc Zone 10 Years After Devaluation

Members of the CFA-zone enjoy currency convertibility, fiscal and monetary policies which are more prudent than SSA as a whole, and a large amount of financial and technical assistance. These advantages do not appear, however, to have resulted in more rapid economic and human development in the CFA-zone and CFA countries in the Sahel face major structural handicaps. This project aims to understand why CFA-zone performance has been disappointing given the advantages enjoyed by the region, and will devise policy recommendations to improve longer-term development.

Table of contents
  1. 1. Introduction
    Christopher S. Adam, David Fielding
  2. 2. The Characteristics of Macroeconomic Shocks in the CFA Franc Zone
    David Fielding, Kevin Lee, Kalvinder Shields
    More Working Paper | The Characteristics of Macroeconomic Shocks in the CFA Franc Zone
  3. 3. What Determines Monetary Policy in the Franc Zone?: Estimating a Reaction Function for the BCEAO
    Anja Shortland, David Stasavage
    More Working Paper | Monetary Policy in the Franc Zone
  4. 4. Poverty and Growth in the WAEMU after the 1994 Devaluation
    Jean-Paul Azam
    More Working Paper | Poverty and Growth in the WAEMU after the 1994 Devaluation
  5. 5. How Does Monetary Policy Affect the Poor?: Evidence from the West African Economic and Monetary Union
    David Fielding
    More Working Paper | How Does Monetary Policy Affect the Poor?
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