Journal Special Issue
Conflict and Peace-building

Interactions between Politics and Economics

Reconstruction from conflict is a complex and demanding task, and a major challenge for the UN system as well as the wider donor community. National authorities and their donor partners are faced with multiple priorities - rebuilding infrastructure, assisting war-damaged communities, and re-creating weakened institutions - with often insufficient resources to meet these needs. And reconstruction may commence when peace is highly uncertain, which adds considerably to the difficulties. This project builds on previous UNU-WIDER research which emphasized the importance of achieving broad-based recovery from conflict i.e. a recovery that encompasses the needs of the poor and reduces the inequalities which often contribute to conflict. If the poor are not prioritized in the recovery strategy then reconstruction may end up benefiting only a narrow elite: the end of war will then have saved the lives of the poor, but it will have done nothing for their livelihoods. This implies extensive and early economic reform to ensure that policies that impede the recovery of poor communities are changed. Reform of the public expenditure system is especially crucial to ensure that public money and donor assistance are directed to pro-poor priorities. Extensive reform is also necessary to ensure that the natural capital used by poor communities to make their livelihoods is not lost to them (e.g. in a post-war land grab by wealthy and politically-connected elites).

Table of contents
  1. 1. Conflict and Peace Building: Interactions between Politics and Economics
    Tony Addison
  2. 2. Distributional Conflict, the State and Peace Building in Burundi
    Léonce Ndikumana
    More Working Paper | Distributional Conflict, the State, and Peacebuilding in Burundi
  3. 3. Transforming Conflict with an Economic Dividend: The Sri Lankan Experience
    Saman Kelegama
    More Working Paper | Transforming Conflict with an Economic Dividend
  4. 4. Diamonds, Foreign Aid and the Uncertain Prospects for Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Sierra Leone
    Andrew Grant
    More Working Paper | Diamonds, Foreign Aid, and the Uncertain Prospects for Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Sierra Leone
  5. 5. Is the International Community Helping to Recreate the Preconditions for War in Sierra Leone?
    Joseph Hanlon
    More Working Paper | Is the International Community Helping to Recreate the Pre-Conditions for War in Sierra Leone?
  6. 6. Conflicts, Poverty and Human Development in Northern Uganda
    Justine Nannyonjo
    More Working Paper | Conflicts, Poverty and Human Development in Northern Uganda
  7. 7. Beyond the Notion of Security Community: What Role for the African Regional Organizations in Peace and Security?
    Liisa Laakso
    More Working Paper | Beyond the Notion of Security Community
  8. 8. Constitution Writing and Conflict Resolution
    Jennifer A. Widner
    More Working Paper | Constitution Writing and Conflict Resolution
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