Journal Special Issue
Income inequalities and redistribution in China

This special section presents the main findings about long-run trends in inequality in China and its driving factors as they emerge from a country case study carried out under a UNU-WIDER-supported project.

Special focus in the umbrella project were on three issues: (i) the role of earnings inequality and its determinants; (ii) the role of top incomes when administrative records or other sources can be combined with household surveys; and (iii) the redistributive impact of public policies.

Main findings of the project including those for China results were presented in a special panel during the UNU-WIDER Think Development – Think WIDER development conference held in Helsinki in September 2018.

Table of contents
  1. 1. Introduction to income inequalities and redistribution in China
    Finn Tarp
  2. 2. Wage growth and inquality in urban China: 1988-2013
    Björn Gustafsson, Haiyuan Wan
    More Working Paper | Wage growth and inequality in urban China
  3. 3. Income and consumption inequality in China: A comparative approach with India
    Carlos Gradín, Binbin Wu
    More Working Paper | Income and consumption inequality in China
  4. 4. The long-term evolution of national income inequality and rural poverty in China
    Chuliang Luo, Shi Li, Terry Sicular
    More Working Paper | The long-term evolution of income inequality and poverty in China
  5. 5. Top incomes in China: Data collection and the impact on income inequality
    Qinghai Li, Shi Li, Haiyuan Wan
    More Working Paper | Top incomes in China
  6. 6. The redistributive role of government social security transfers on inequality in China
    Meng Cai, Ximing Yue
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