The Prevention of Humanitarian Emergencies

Since the end of the cold war, civil wars and state violence have escalated, resulting in thousands of deaths. This book provides a toolbox for donors, international agencies, and developing countries to prevent humanitarian emergencies. The emphasis is on long-term development policies rather than mediation or reconstruction after the conflict ensues. Policies include democratization, reforming institutions, strengthening civil society, improving the state's administrative capability, agrarian reform, accelerating economic growth through stabilization and adjustment, reducing inequalities, and redesigning aid to be more stable.

Table of contents
  1. Introduction
    1. Preventing Humanitarian Emergencies: Asking the Questions
    Wayne Nafziger
  2. Introduction
    2. The Political Economy of Preventing Humanitarian Emergencies
    Wayne Nafziger
  3. Part I: International Economic Responses
    3. Macroeconomic Stabilization and Structural Adjustment
    Christopher Cramer, John Weeks
  4. Part I: International Economic Responses
    4. Global Linkages and Vulnerable Economies
    Valpy Fitzgerald
  5. Part II: Domestic Economic Responses
    5. State Legitimacy, Tax Reform, and the Provision of Basic Services
    John Toye
  6. Part II: Domestic Economic Responses
    6. Agrarian Reform, Land Redistribution, and Small-farm Policy
    Albert Berry
  7. Part II: Domestic Economic Responses
    7. Protecting Environmental Resources and Preventing Land Degradation
    Gaim Kibreab
  8. Part III: Governmental and Nongovernmental Strategies
    8. Preventing Humanitarian Emergencies: Human Security and Strategic Action
    Raimo Väyrynen
  9. Part III: Governmental and Nongovernmental Strategies
    9. Democratization and Institutional Reform
    Richard Sandbrook
  10. Part III: Governmental and Nongovernmental Strategies
    10. Donor Governments
    Helge Hveem
  11. Part III: Governmental and Nongovernmental Strategies
    11. Transnational Nongovernmental Organizations
    William E. DeMars
  12. Part III: Governmental and Nongovernmental Strategies
    12. Multilateral Military Responses
    Thomas G. Weiss
  13. Part III: Governmental and Nongovernmental Strategies
    13. Human Rights
    Andrew Clapham
    More Working Paper | Human Rights and the Prevention of Humanitarian Emergencies
  14. Part III: Governmental and Nongovernmental Strategies
    14. The Geopolitics of Mercy: Humanitarianism in the Age of Globalization
    Antonio Donini
  15. Part III: Governmental and Nongovernmental Strategies
    15. Conclusion: Lessons for Preventative Action
    Raimo Väyrynen
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