Journal Special Issue
WIDER Symposium on Adaptive Efficiency and Evolving Diversity of Enterprise Ownership and Governance

A property rights regime covers rights to use, lease, donate, bequest, and sell assets or collect the incomes generated by assets. A clear and transparent property rights regime facilitates investment and economic growth. While private property is considered by many to be the most superior type of regime, this is not always the case, especially when important markets (such as credit and insurance) are imperfect or missing and when key institutions (regulation, accountancy standards etc.) are underdeveloped. This project will evaluate alternative property rights regimes at different development stages.

Table of contents
  1. 1. Introduction: Adaptive Efficiency and Evolving Diversity of Enterprise Ownership and Governance
    Laixiang Sun
  2. 2. Information, Incentives, and Option Value: The Silicon Valley Model
    Masahiko Aoki, Hirokazu Takizawa
    More Working Paper | Understanding the Silicon Valley Phenomena
  3. 3. Rent Seeking and Government Ownership of Firms: An Application to China's Township–Village Enterprises
    Jiahua Che
    More Working Paper | From the Grabbing Hand to the Helping Hand
  4. 4. Share Ownership and Employee Attitudes: Some Evidence from China's Postprivatization Rural Industry
    Xiao-yuan Dong, Paul Bowles, Samuel P.S. Ho
  5. 5. Does a Switch of Budget Regimes Affect Investment and Managerial Discretion of State-Owned Enterprises?: Evidence from Italian Firms
    Elisabetta Bertero, Laura Rondi
    More Working Paper | Does a Switch of Budget Regimes Constrain Managerial Discretion?
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