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Publications (33)
In the run up to the announcement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) in September every development issue is clamouring for attention. The constituencies behind each issue run the risk of being accused of ‘bandwagoning’—linking their particular issue to the SDGs when the arguments for such...
Journal Article
Part of Journal Special Issue
Aid and Institution-Building in Fragile States
Working Paper
This paper examines the questions of why and how foreign assistance was utilized successfully in South Korea but less so in Ghana, with a focus on the role of aid in the process of state building and state transition in these two countries. Before the 1960s, South Korea and Ghana shared...
24 September 2013 Tony Addison As Helsinki moves into a crisp sunny autumn, Angle brings you news of two big UNU-WIDER events. ‘Egalitarian Principles: The Foundation for Sustainable Peace’ was the topic of the 17th WIDER annual lecture, given by former President of Finland and Nobel Peace Prize...
Working Paper
The aim of this paper is to explain the divergent developmental outcomes between South Korea, Taiwan, and South Vietnam. Whilst US aid has correctly been cited as key factor in explaining the rapid post-war development of South Korea and Taiwan, the ultimate failure to establish strong institutions...
Book Chapter
From the book:
Achieving Development Success
Book Chapter
– Lessons from the Experiences of South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam
From the book:
Achieving Development Success
Book Chapter
From the book:
The Role of Elites in Economic Development
Working Paper
An elite derives its status from its relationship to property, whether physical or human capital. While stable property rights are necessary for everyday business, unstable property rights that result in major institutional changes (such as land reform) may have a positive impact on economic...
Working Paper
– Resident Koreans in Japan
This paper discusses the development of Korean communities in Japan from their origins in the late nineteenth century through their stabilization following the Second World War. Approaching the developing communities from a spatial perspective, the chapter compares Tokyo and Osaka and shows the...
Working Paper
– Lessons from the Experiences of South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam
This piece synthesizes the development strategies of Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam and draws some relevant lessons. Using a complex adaptive systems approach, strategic openness, a set of heterodox macroeconomic policies, creation of institutions for productive investment in both agriculture...
Working Paper
– A ‘Capability-based View’
There is some scepticism about Korea as role model of development as the Korean model involved a considerable degree of state activism, unacceptable in today’s global environment. This paper propose a ‘capability-based view’ of the country’s catch-up development, arguing that the real lesson from...
Working Paper
We provide a novel empirical analysis of the South Korean credit market that reveals large volumes of excess credit since the late 1970s, indicating that a sizeable proportion of total credit was being used to refinance unprofitable projects. Our findings are consistent with theoretical literature...
Working Paper
– The Asian Experience
This paper looks into the interrelation between economic growth, inequality, and poverty. Using the notion of pro-poor growth, this study examines to what extent the poor benefit from economic growth. First, various approaches to defining and measuring pro-poor growth are scrutinized using a variety...
Working Paper
We examine the relationship between the directly observable indicator of new technology, ICT investment ratio, and skill upgrading by analysing changes in employment and wage structure of 25 Korean industrial sectors over the 1993-99 period. The results show that there has been little relationship...
Book Chapter
– A Comparison of Farmers' Organizations in South Korea and Taiwan
From the book:
Group Behaviour and Development

– International Evidence and Implications for Economic Development
The often-advocated view that the information technology revolution will change the world must stem from the basic premiss that investment in IT has a visible impact on productivity and economic growth. But how can we measure this impact and how large is it? By surveying previous studies and by...

The currency crises that engulfed East Asian economies in 1997 and Mexico in 1994 - and their high development costs - raise a serious concern about the net benefits for developing countries of large flows of potentially reversible short-term international capital. Written by senior policy-makers...
Book Chapter
From the book:
Short-Term Capital Flows and Economic Crises
Working Paper
The emergence of a select group of developing countries as destinations for private portfolio investment in the 1990s (and the subsequent peso crisis in Mexico in 1994) has rekindled the old issues about the responsibilities and capacities public authorities have with regard to managing the...
Book Chapter
From the book:
The Role of the State in Economic Change
Book Chapter
– What can be Learnt from the Successful Late Industrializers?
From the book:
The Role of the State in Economic Change
Book Chapter
From the book:
The North, the South, and the Environment
Book Chapter
From the book:
Capital, The State And Labour
Book Chapter
From the book:
Technological Transformation in the Third World
Book Chapter
– A Model of the Growth Strategy of the Korean Semiconductor Industry
From the book:
Trade Policy, Industrialization, and Development
Book Chapter
– The Impacts of Protection
From the book:
Trade Policy, Industrialization, and Development
Displaying 32 of 33 results