TIS Conference Presentations

29-30 June 2014 Hanoi, Vietnam
Parallel 1.1: Financial sector reform: Experience from emerging countries

Anand Sinha  Sinha.pdf

Raphael Bergoeing  Bergoeing.pdf

Rose Ngugi

Lemma Senbet  Senbet.pdf


Parallel 1.2: Public financial management and planning

Sanjeev Gupta  Gupta.pdf

Jukka Pirttilä  Pirttilä.pdf

Vladimir Popov  Popov.pdf


Parallel 1.3: Growth and structural change

John Earle  Earle.pdf

Nguyen Dinh Cung  Dinh Cung.pdf

Peter Brixen  Brixen.pdf


Parallel 2.1: Agricultural productivity and off-farm employment

David Stifel  Stifel.pdf

Alain de Janvry  de Janvry.pdf

Elisabeth Sadoulet  Sadoulet.pdf


Parallel 2.2: Jobs and migration

Martin Rama  Rama.pdf

Gary Fields  Fields.pdf

Haroon Bhorat  Bhorat.pdf


Parallel 2.3: Energy and infrastructure: Sector market reform

Douglas Arent  Arent.pdf

Emilio La Rovere  La Rovere.pdf

Jinyue Yan  Yan.pdf


Parallel 3.1: Spatial and industrial policies: How geography and knowledge interact

Hinh Dinh  Hinh.pdf

Rajah Rasiah  Rasiah.pdf

Eric Verhoogen  Verhoogen.pdf


Parallel 3.2: The emergence of social protection in the Global South

Santiago Levy  Levy.pdf

Frances Lund  Lund.pdf

Naila Kabeer  Kabeer.pdf


Parallel 3.3: Institutional reforms for Green Financing

Yannick Glemarec  Glemarec.pdf

Nguyen Trung Thang  Thang.pdf

Channing Arndt  Arndt.pdf


Parallel 4.1: Legal reform, implementation and enforcement

Lant Pritchett  Pritchett.pdf

Terra Lawson-Remer  Lawson-Remer.pdf


Parallel 4.2: Inequality and gender

Shi Li  Li.pdf

Loren Brandt  Brandt.pdf

Pham Thu Hien  Hien.pdf


Parallel 4.3: Capabilities, skills and technology

Sam Jones  Jones.pdf

Tetsushi Sonobe  Sonobe.pdf

Jaejoon Woo  Woo.pdf


Plenary 1

Kaushik Basu  Basu.pdf


Plenary 2

Justin Lin  Lin.pdf

Célestin Monga  Monga.pdf


Plenary 3

Seppo Honkapohja  Honkapohja.pdf

Comments by Raphael Bergoeing  Comment_by Bergoeing.pdf