Aid and the Social Sectors videos

How can aid to the social sectors—particularly health care and education, but also water and sanitation, and more recently social protection—be justified? These topics were discussed during the ReCom Results meeting on ‘Aid and social sectors’ in Stockholm, 13 March 2013.


Lena Ingelstam, Sida

Introduction to ReCom and the issues of the day: foreign aid and the social sectors

Finn Tarp, UNU-WIDER

What works in foreign aid to the social sectors?

Miguel Niño-Zarazúa, UNU-WIDER

Aid, public health, water and sanitation

Arnab Acharya, Jindal Global University
Zulfiqar Bhutta, Aga Khan University
PB Anand, University of Bradford

Education aid in developing countries

Bob Baulch, RMIT University Vietnam
Katharina Michaelowa, University of Zurich
Abby Riddell, UNESCO

Child malnutrition and social protection

Elizabeth Kristjansson, University of Ottawa
Armando Barrientos, University of Manchester
Iara Leite, Articulação SUL

Roundtable discussion on financing social sector policy in developing countries: challenges and opportunities

Tove Degnbol, Danida
Charlotte Petri Gornitzka, Sida
Romain Murenzi, TWAS
Finn Tarp, UNU-WIDER

Wrap up

Tony Addison, UNU-WIDER