Journal Article
Supporting Women Entrepreneurs in Tunisia
Whether policy support should be designed differently for women entrepreneurs is a particularly relevant question. To answer this, and to inform the design of policies to provide appropriate support for women entrepreneurs, the article compares male...
ASREC Europe 2016
The Association for the Study of Religion, Economics and Culture (ASREC) held a conference at the University of Copenhagen on 16-17 May 2016.
Mon, 16 May 2016
Tue, 17 May 2016
Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen,
Øster Farimagsgade 5, Building 26,
Past event
Working Paper
Gender and Distributional Preferences
We conduct a lab experiment to assess whether gender of dictators and recipients, and distributional preferences affect allocations in a modified dictator game where both parties perform a cognitive task and the resulting pie to be split is the sum...
Journal Article
Gender and distributional preferences
We conduct a lab experiment to assess whether gender of dictators and recipients, and distributional preferences affect allocations in a modified dictator game where both parties perform a cognitive task and the resulting pie to be split is the sum...
Female Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries
Maria Minniti, Wim Naudé
August 2010
Maria Minniti and Wim Naudé In recent years, the rate of new business formation by women has significantly outpaced the rate of new business formation...
African Youth and the Persistence of Marginalization
The much heralded growth and transformation of many economies in sub-Saharan Africa over the last decade continues to receive prominent attention in academic scholarship and among policy practitioners. An apparent feature about this transformation...
Journal Article
Searching for religious discrimination among childcare workers
We implement a lab-in-the-field experiment among childcare workers in Chandigarh, India, to evaluate discriminatory attitudes of the Hindu workers toward Muslim children. We use a third-party allocation game that controls for selfish payoff...
Working Paper
Supporting Women Entrepreneurs in Tunisia
Whether policy support should be designed differently for women entrepreneurs is a particularly relevant question. To answer this, and to inform the design of policies to provide appropriate support for women entrepreneurs, the paper compares male...
Working Paper
Foreign Trade and the Gender Earnings Differential in Urban Mexico
This paper examines the effect of foreign trade induced product market competition, upon workplace gender discrimination in urban Mexico as measured by the gender earnings differential. More than four decades ago, Becker argued that labour market...
Working Paper
Two for the Price of One? The Contribution to Development of the New Female Elites
This paper describes the very different role played by female elites in contemporary developing countries, as compared to the 'early' industrializing countries of the nineteenth and early twentieth century. It shows that women are far more important...
Working Paper
Institutionalizing segregation
Some claim that certain forms of social protection, conditional cash transfers in particular, result in perverse incentives for recipients in order to stay eligible for receiving benefits. This notion has a bearing on the design of social protection...
Journal Article
Self-assessed vs. statistical evidence of racial discrimination
This paper provides new insights on the labour market discrimination faced by indigenous Australians one of the most disadvantaged indigenous populations in developed countries. Combining two large, nationally representative datasets, we decompose...
Working Paper
Foundations of Minority Communities
This paper discusses the development of Korean communities in Japan from their origins in the late nineteenth century through their stabilization following the Second World War. Approaching the developing communities from a spatial perspective, the...
Working Paper
Searching for religious discrimination among Anganwadi workers in India
This paper examines whether, in India, discriminatory practices by government-employed child caregivers along religious lines, lead to differential health outcomes among the care receiving children. Child caregivers participate in a novel allocation...
Working Paper
Self-assessed versus statistical evidence of labour market discrimination
We assess the relative importance of statistical residual-based measures of discrimination in determining indigenous Australians’ perceptions of discrimination in the labour market. We find that statistical measures are largely unrelated to...
Working Paper
Gender-Related Indicators of Well-Being
This paper discusses the rationale as well as the challenges involved when constructing gender-related indicators of well-being. It argues that such indicators are critically important but that their construction involves a number of conceptual and...
Working Paper
Employment status and educational attainment among disabled Ghanaians
People with disabilities in Ghana and other developing economies are discriminated against in many fundamental elements of human empowerment such as education and employment. While some employers are unwilling to hire, the educational systems do not...
Working Paper
Affirmative action policies and the evolution of post-apartheid South Africa’s racial wage gap
Racial wage inequality and discrimination have pervaded South African society for centuries. Apartheid legislation cemented these disparities by institutionalizing white job reservation and many other unfair practices. While racial wage gaps started...
Working Paper
Gender Wage Differentials in China's Urban Labour Market
This paper describes and decomposes wage differences between female and male workers. The results indicate that females receive low wages because of unequal pay within sectors, and that the wage gap caused by the difference in sectoral attainment is...
Working Paper
Gender and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
The study suggests that gender inequality acts as a significant constraint to growth in sub-Saharan Africa, and that removing gender-based barriers to growth will make a substantial contribution to realizing Africa’s economic potential. In particular...