Systematic analysis of climate resilient development (SACReD)
The principal objective of the workshop was to evaluate the implications of climate change for developing countries including impacts, adaptation policies, mitigation policies, and their interactions with appropriate development strategies.
Thu, 7 October 2010
Fri, 8 October 2010
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI),
2033 K Street NW,
United States
Past event
The post-2015 development framework: Priorities for the least developed countries
Conference participant, Finn Tarp, Director. For more information please see the Wilton Park event page here.
Wed, 29 January 2014
Fri, 31 January 2014
Wilton Park,
Wiston House,
Steyning West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Past event
Development strategy and policy analysis: The economics (and politics) behind South Africa’s carbon tax
South Africa announced in February 2012 that it will introduce a carbon tax to reduce the country’s high levels of greenhouse gas emissions and assist in the global effort to curb climate change. This makes South Africa one of the first countries...
Tue, 3 April 2012
New York,
United States
Past event
The political economy of green growth
Finn Tarp, Director of UNU-WIDER delivered a seminar on 'The Political Economy of Green Growth' as part of the TCD/UCD Development Research Seminar Series 2012 organised by the Trinity International Development Initiative (TIDI) at Trinity College...
Fri, 23 March 2012
Past event
Working Paper
Can integrated infrastructure investment plans contribute to more effective public spending?
All countries, especially developing countries with limited financial resources, face difficult decisions in prioritizing public funds for investment projects in order to achieve strategic public goals in the face of multiple demands. Effective...
The post-2015 environment: Crafting a current and future research agenda
Presentation at an International workshop by the Director Finn Tarp. ‘The Post-2015 Environment: Crafting a Current and Future Research Agenda.
Thu, 13 June 2013
The Rockefeller Foundation,
New York,
United States
Past event
Panel discussion
Development success: Strategies and lessons from more advanced countries and the developing world
Video: panel discussion which took place on Monday 18 March 2013 in Oxford: What lessons can be learnt from developed countries that might be useful for developing and emerging economies? With an emphasis on long...
Mon, 18 March 2013
Bernard Sunley Lecture Theatre, St. Catherine’s College,
Manor Road,
United Kingdom
Past event