Working Paper
Firm-level corruption
This paper adds to the recent literature on firm-level corruption by relying on rich data including detailed information on the purpose and amounts of bribe payments among Vietnamese micro, small, and medium firms. Using industry-location averages to...
Working Paper
Comparing estimated and self-reported mark-ups for formal and informal firms in an emerging market context
Using a 10-year panel survey covering Vietnamese manufacturing firms, we consistently obtain firm-specific mark-up estimates and relate these to firm-level formality. The average firm-specific mark-up using a trans-log revenue production function...
Working Paper
Are politically connected firms less constrained in credit markets?
Utilizing a panel of over 2,000 Vietnamese SMEs over a 10-year period, we analyse the importance of being politically connected on both access and cost-of-credit obtained from formal financial institutions. Controlling for unobserved time-invariant...
Working Paper
Does managerial personality matter?
Using novel data from micro, small, and medium firms in Vietnam, we estimate the relationship between behavioural and personality traits of owners/managers—risk attitudes, locus of control, and innovativeness—and firm-level decisions. We extend the...
Technology and Competitiveness in Vietnam
Professor Carol Newman and professor Finn Tarp, director of WIDER, gave a presentation about technology and competitiveness in Vietnam. Presentation slides
Thu, 3 July 2014
General Statistics Office,
6B Hoang Dieu Str.,
Past event
UNU-WIDER International Development Conference in collaboration with the Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM): Institutional Reforms for Transformation, Inclusion, and Sustainability
Economic transformation, inclusive growth, and environmental sustainability are core 21st century development challenges in both low- and middle-income countries. Every country has its own institutional history with an evolving balance between the...
Sun, 29 June 2014
Mon, 30 June 2014
Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM),
68 Phan Đình Phùng, Quận Ba Đình,
Past event
Policy seminar
Growth, Structural Transformation, and Rural Change in Vietnam: A Rising Dragon on the Move
Wed, 5 August 2015
Central Institute for Economic Management, Main Hall,
68 Phan Dinh Phung Str. Ba Dinh,
Past event
Micro, small, and medium enterprises in Viet Nam
This workshop organized by UNU-WIDER brings together early-career researchers to present first drafts of their papers on the 2015 wave of the micro, small, and medium enterprises survey.
Tue, 8 November 2016
Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM),
68 Phan Dinh Phung, Ba Dinh district,
Past event
Characteristics of the Vietnamese business environment: evidence from a SME Survey in 2015
Wed, 9 November 2016
Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM),
68 Phan Dinh Phung, Ba Dinh district,
Past event
Policy seminar
Launching the Viet Nam 2012 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM)
Wed, 16 November 2016
Conference room D, CIEM,
68, Phan Dinh Phung,
Past event
Policy workshop
Policy workshop on Vietnam Access to Resources Household Survey (VARHS)
On 19 May UNU-WIDER and the University of Copenhagen held a policy workshop on the Vietnam Access to Resources Household Survey (VARHS) in partnership with the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM) in Hanoi as part of the ongoing...
Tue, 19 May 2015
Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM),
68 Phan Đình Phùng, Quận Ba Đình,
Past event
Distributional Impacts of the 2008 Global Food Price Spike in Vietnam
Presented at: A Festschrift in Honor of Per Pinstrup-Andersen: New Direction in the Fight Against hunger and Malnutrition. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. Presentation See full programme New directions in the fight against hunger and...
Fri, 13 December 2013
Sat, 14 December 2013
Cornell University,
109 Tower Rd,
United States
Past event
Structural transformation and inclusive growth in Viet Nam
Theme: 2014-15
This project responds to the SDG’s call for a strengthening of data collection and capacity-building in Member States. Timely and better disaggregated, country level data aids the search for an evidence-based course to realizing economic...