Report launch – Characteristics of the Vietnamese business environment: evidence from a SME Survey in 2015

9 November 2016, Hanoi, Viet Nam

Characteristics of the Vietnamese business environment: evidence from a SME Survey in 2015

Wed, 9 November 2016

The Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM), Institute of Labour Science and Social Affairs (ILSSA) and UNU-WIDER are co-organizing a seminar on 9 November to present and discuss the findings of the report 'Characteristics of the Vietnamese Business Environment: Evidence from a SME Survey in 2015'.

The report provides researchers and policy makers with a snapshot of several important dimensions of the business environment in Viet Nam. It also presents trends emerging from a comparison of findings with the 2013 survey and earlier years.

The seminar will attract participation by representatives of state agencies, business associations, experts at local research institutes and universities, and media.


09:00-09:30 Registration
Opening words
Phan Duc Hieu, Vice President, CIEM 
Finn Tarp, Director, UNU-WIDER
Dao Quang Vinh, President, ILSSA
09:50-10:00 Introduction of 2015 SME survey
Finn Tarp, Director, UNU-WIDER
Main contents of the report
John Rand, University of Copenhagen
Smriti Sharma, UNU-WIDER
Neda Trifković, UNU-WIDER
10:50-11:00 Conclusions and key policy implications
Finn Tarp, Director, UNU-WIDER
11:00-11:20 Open discussion
Closing speech
Phan Duc Hieu, Vice President, CIEM
11:30 Lunch

Download the presentation on the main contents of the report 


About the project

This project responds to the call by the UN Secretary General for reliable, timely and better disaggregated, country level data in the search for an evidence-based course to realizing economic transformation and sustainable development in a post-2015 development context. Specifically, the project builds on – and further develops – two unique firm and rural household panel data sets in Viet Nam, a dynamic East-Asian economy. Read more