Working Paper
Inequality, ethnicity, and social cohesion
How do changes in socio-economic inequality between ethnic groups affect interethnic ties in a divided society? I analyse the evolution of cross-ethnic marriages in a society affected by violence along ethnic boundaries and make three principal...
Patricia Justino briefs Swedish aid agency on aid in autocracies and fragile countries
On 4 February 2020, UNU-WIDER's Senior Research Fellow Patricia Justino will be giving a presentation at an event organised by Sweden’s government agency for development cooperation Sida as part of their Department for Africa’s planning days. The...
Thu, 4 February 2021
Past event
Working Paper
Youth, violence, and sustaining peace
Violent conflicts affect the lives and livelihoods of almost one quarter of the world’s population. But the effects of violent conflict are not uniform. This study assesses the differential effects of violent conflict on young people’s education, job...
Working Paper
A cultural perspective on the cycle of violent conflicts in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria
Violent conflicts act as disincentives for sustainable socioeconomic development in conflict-prone societies, especially in the Global South. Existing studies focus largely on economic, political, and social triggers of violent conflicts; cultural...
Working Paper
Indirect rule: armed groups and customary chiefs in eastern DRC
This paper leverages a novel panel dataset covering the histories of 306 chiefs and 256 episodes of village governance and taxation by armed groups in 106 villages in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo in order to analyse the relationship...
Journal Article
Ethnic inequality, cultural distance, and social integration: evidence from a native-settler conflict in the Philippines
A key debate in studies of native-migrant relations relates to the barriers to integration created by ethno-cultural differences and socio-economic disadvantage. How do changes in socio-economic inequality between ethnic groups affect interethnic...
A food crisis was brewing even before the Ukraine war – but taking these three steps could help the most vulnerable
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to the disruption, by sanctions or war, of two of the world’s largest grain exporters. This means 2022 is shaping...