WIDER Annual Lecture

The WIDER Annual Lecture is one of UNU-WIDER’s flagship events. The first lecture was given by Douglas C. North in 1997. Since then, the lecture has been delivered by a prestigious line of scholars and political actors, 6 of whom are Nobel Laureates.

The lecture is open to the public and is usually delivered by an eminent scholar or policymaker who has made a significant contribution in the field of development economics. The key findings and policy recommendations from the lecture are also summarized in a publication and shared with policymakers and practitioners in the developing world, across the UN, and in the international community more broadly.

Below you will find details and materials from the previous 28 WIDER Annual Lectures.

AL28 | Gabriel Zucman

Gabriel-ZucmanThe billionaire tax – a (modest) proposal for the 21st century

Event | Video | Photos | Presentation | WIDER Annual Lecture Brief

AL27 | Pinelopi Goldberg

Pinelopi-GoldbergGlobalization in crisis – confronting a new economic reality

Event | Video | Photos | Presentation | WIDER Annual Lecture Brief 

AL26 | Daron Acemoğlu

In the name of progress

Event | Video | PhotosPresentation | Publication

AL25 | Bina Agarwal

Bina AgarwalWomen’s struggle for land in South Asia: Can legal reforms trump social norms?

Event | Video | Publication

AL 24 | Mark Malloch-Brown

UN at 75: slow death or a new directionLord Mark Malloch-Brow Photo: Mark Malloch-Brow

Event | Video | Presentation | Publication

AL23 | Santiago Levy

Santiago Levy AL23Informality – addressing the achilles heel of social protection in Latin America

Event | Video | Photos | Presentation | Publication

AL22 | Ernest Aryeetey

AL22The political economy of structural transformation – has democracy failed African economies?

Event | Video | Photos | Presentation | Publication

AL21 | Sabine Alkire

AL21How are people poor? – Measuring global progress towards zero poverty and the SDGs

Event | Video | Photos | Presentation | Publication

AL20 | Martin Ravallion

AL20Direct interventions against poverty in poor places

Event | Publication | Video | PhotosPresentation 

AL19 | Amartya Sen

AL19Three Decades of Change in Development

Event | Publication | Video | Photos Blog 

AL18 | C. Peter Timmer

Managing Structural Transformation Post-2015

Event | Publication | Video | Photos Presentation 

AL17 | Martti Ahtisaari

AL17Egalitarian principles - the foundation for sustainable peace

Event | Publication | Video | Photos Blog 

AL 16 | Lant Pritchett

AL16The folk and the formula– pathways to capable states

Event | Publication | VideoPhotos | Presentation 

AL15 | Justin Lin

AL15New Structural Economics - From Flying Geese to Leading Dragons: New Opportunities and Strategies for Structural Transformation in Developing Countries

Event | Publication | VideoPhotos

AL14 | José Antonio Ocampo

AL14Reforming the International Monetary and Financial Architecture

Event | Publication | VideoPhotos | Presentation 

AL13 | Ronald Findlay

AL13The Trade-Development Nexus in Theory and History

Event | Publication | VideoPhotos 

AL12 | Deepak Nayyar

Deepak Nayyar AL12Developing Countries in the World Economy

Event | Publication | Photos

AL11 | Kemal Derviş

Kermal Dervis AL11The climate change challenge

Event | Publication | Blog 

AL10 | Angus Deaton

Angus Deaton AL10Global patterns of income and health

Event | Publication | Blog

AL9 | Nancy Birdsall

Nancy BirdsallThe world is not flat - inequality and injustice in our global economy

Event | Publication | Presentation

AL8 | Dani Rodrik

Rethinking growth strategies

Event | Publication

AL7 | Kaushik Basu

Global labor standards and local freedoms

Event | Publication

AL6 | Jeffrey Williamson

Winners and losers in two centuries of globalization

Event | Publication

AL5 | Frances Stewart

Horizontal inequality - a neglected dimension of development

Event | Publication

AL4 | Jagdish Bhagwati

BHAGWATI AL4Globalization and appropriate governance

Event | Publication

AL3 | Anthony Barnes Atkinson

Anthony Barnes AtkinsonIs rising income inequality inevitable? A critique of the transatlantic consensus

Event | Publication

AL2 | Joseph E. Stiglitz

Stiglitz AL2More instruments and broader goals - moving toward the post-Washington consensus

Event | Publication


AL1 | Douglass C. North

North AL1The new institutional economics and its contribution to improving our understanding of the transition problem

Event | Publication